Are you Confident of your Firm’s Cyber Security?

Are you Confident of your Firm’s Cyber Security?

An increasing number of IT firms are beginning to lose sleep over the true security of their systems. A recent survey revealed that only 54% of those surveyed, are comfortable of being able to ward off serious maleficent threats to the security of their organizations. From an investors’ perspective though, the situation seems a tad upturned. Over 90% believe that companies have the wherewithal to manage risk exposure resulting from the same.
Senior VP at CISCO puts it very aptly when he says “Security is resiliency by design, privacy in mind and trust transparently seen.”
A leading CIO coined an interesting term called “technical debt.” Simply put, it dealt with building, buying, owning and operating each technological element critical to an organization’s functioning, especially as more and more businesses go mobile and the IoT way.
Some of the issues companies face can be directly linked to the age old debate of making in-house versus outsourcing. Most SMB’s in particular, seek the outsourcing route as they chop off their costs thereby possibly putting themselves at risk of cyber theft.
As businesses are gaining in sophistication, so are the attack viruses that seem to be ever-prevalent. The need to shield data assets was never as critical as it is today. 
The time has come to face the truth, for organizations big and small. Robust security measures to data management must be among the top priorities for forward thinking firms as they seek to weather this online barrage of cyber crime. Sure, the advent of IoT has opened up horizons hitherto unimaginable. However, it has also unhooked a baneful pandora’s box, which if not contained, can run amuck.
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