Character: Is it necessary in leadership?
In Aspire & Lead

We all know character when we see it. But few know exactly what it is and even fewer understand its role in effective leadership. Organizations usually take character in leadership for granted. Strong character in leadership is considered as ‘icing on the cake’. But, the truth is, character in leadership is like the roots of a tree. It is the foundation of a good leader.
Here’s why -
Integrity is at the core of character-driven leadership. A leader with integrity chooses to stand for what is right, keeps promises and can be counted on to be truthful. He avoids taking short-term beneficial decisions that can turn out to be costly in the long-run. Such a leader knows that honesty is the best policy even if it is against the trend.
The best leaders have a realistic understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They don’t pretend to know everything. This quality of humility helps them in admitting their mistakes and seeking continuous self-improvement.
The hallmark of a courageous leader is to thrive in the challenges of a dynamic business environment. True leaders are not constrained by the fear of the unknown. They take measured risks without yielding to pressure and fearing loss or failure.
Leaders who demonstrate respect view employees as an end and not as a means to an end. Today, organizations are working with multicultural and diverse workforces. Respecting differences in workers’ backgrounds, beliefs and customs promotes a culture of partnership.
A passionate leader infuses his energy and enthusiasm into the workforce. He inspires workers to do their best and provides focus and motivation to the business.
Successful leaders accept responsibility for their actions and those of their team during both, the success or the debacle of a project. At the same time, they reinforce the culture of accountability among employees.
Leaders with self-discipline exercise appropriate control over their moods, emotions, thoughts and actions. They stay calm in the event of any crisis and consciously choose appropriate responses. This improves the reliability of leaders in taking rational and logical decisions, and instils trust and faith among employees.
- Compassionate leaders understand the needs of their workforce and take necessary steps to address those concerns. Compassion is an important quality in engaging the workforce, inspiring them to innovate, and go that extra mile.