What Separates Digital Leaders from the Rest
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Given a chance you would build an IT organisation very differently from the one you’re working with. Few companies have the luxury of starting from scratch. Almost all large enterprises are working to update their existing IT organisations. The rise of digital products and services has moved technology to the centre of company strategy, particularly in industries such as financial services, retail, telecom and media. Upgrading IT should be a C-level priority. As executives consider how to transform their old IT organisations, they need to answer three big questions:
- How to create a more nimble digital technology-operating model to deliver a superior customer experience.
- How to modernise legacy stack to reduce running costs and work more effectively with omni-channel business models.
- How to accelerate this journey and manage it responsibly within an affordable budget.
A cursory look at the following, may just be the right starting point.
1. Aligned priorities
Digital leaders are better at bringing IT and the business together to create a long-term vision for customer experience.
Digital leaders are better at bringing IT and the business together to create a long-term vision for customer experience.
2. Agile IT operating model
Rebooting IT’s target operating model allows established companies to keep up with rapidly evolving customer demands and digitally-savvy competitors. Transformation focuses on the following three areas:
Rebooting IT requires a nontraditional talent profile that blends the technical skills with a swift, nimble and business savvy mind. The right experts bring a deep understanding of new technologies, next-generation architectures and techniques for modernising legacy systems.. -
Two-track organisations
Companies are more likely to take this route when IT is paralysed by legacy systems that are too bulky and non responsive, or when the IT group hasn’t been able to attract the talent required to transform the organisation. -
Software development.
Next-generation digital systems require faster and swifter ways of developing and launching applications.
3. Applications architecture
Understanding the limitations of the existing architecture and putting in place a plan to modernise it is a critical first step towards a digital revamp. Replacing core systems is a challenging project, requiring years of focus and a substantial, long-term investment.
4. Affordable journey
Digital leaders conscientiously manage their costs as they embark on a digital transformation by refocusing on the most critical priorities and embracing next-generation development models and cloud capabilities to reduce costs and speed-up time to market.
Rebooting IT is a critical and non-negotiable requirement for companies today - a time when the digital demands on an organisation all but define its bottom line.